We Got Caught in the Rain at Lago de Nicaragua

Clif Haley
2 min readJul 22, 2024
I clogged the toilet and suddenly this happened!

If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s getting caught in the rain down at Lago de Nicaragua in Granada. It happened to us in 2013 and just happened again to us today in 2024. I find this very suspect. What are the odds that we’d get caught in the rain twice so many years apart? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t rain that often in the tropics.

We’d gone down to the lake to stare at it, possibly wade in it, and hang out at the park. The very moment we arrived the winds picked up, whipping the palm trees into a frenzy and terrifying the mango trees so badly they jettisoned their young mangos in sacrifice to the wind gods in the hopes that they, themselves, would be spared.

Young mangos sacrificed to the wind gods.

Luckily for us, just as the rain was about to come pouring down, some old guys on the patio of a restaurante y bar beckoned us to come inside. We did and then, as many people do when faced with the pending wrath of Mother Nature do, decided this was the perfect excuse to have an afternoon beer. We grabbed ourselves a grande Victoria Frost, Levi a Coke and rode out the storm listening to the beautiful sound of rain coming down onto the cobble stoned street, although it was hard to pick out under the deafening blare of music blasting from the speakers at decibel levels typically reserved for Space X launches.

I genuinely liked this place and will be coming back when it’s not filling up with water.

Originally published at on July 22, 2024.



Clif Haley
Clif Haley

Written by Clif Haley

Sometimes Clif eats pizza with a fork, but usually not. He has somehow managed to get published in MuddyUm, The Haven, & Doctor Funny.

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